About Us

Welcome to Legit Grit - the place where real work gets done.

Our journey originates from the heart of industrial America, backed by our founders with over 20-years working in international trade. For two decades, we've been the trusted conduit connecting leading retailers with skilled manufacturers, ensuring the best tools and equipment find their way into the hands of professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike.

But through our years, we started to question, to wonder - could we do more?

The answer was a resounding 'yes', and thus Legit Grit was born.

Legit Grit is more than an online store. It's our answer to a gap in the market. It's a testament to our deep-rooted dedication to deliver the highest quality directly to you. Our years in the trade have given us unique insights into industry trends, quality control, and the true value of durable, reliable products.

Our initial focus has been on orbital sanding discs - those unsung heroes that give your work a smooth finish and transform your projects from rough sketches to polished realities. We believe in the power of these pads, and we wanted to make them more accessible than ever.

At Legit Grit, we source these essential tools directly from manufacturers, ensuring they're crafted from the finest materials, optimized for top-tier performance, and rigorously tested for lasting durability. Our direct sourcing model cuts out the middleman, allowing us to pass the savings onto you, the customer.

This means no inflated costs, no unnecessary expenditures, just pure, uncompromised quality at unbeatable prices.

That's what Legit Grit stands for - legit, gritty performance without breaking your budget.

Let's Get to Work

We invite you to join us in our mission. Discover the Legit Grit difference for yourself - superior quality, exceptional value for money, and the satisfaction of using a product sourced with an unwavering passion for excellence.